Sunday, January 12, 2020

Pre Wedding Conferencing

Pengy and Lev are discussing the Mishna in Sanhedrin 3:3 (Sanhedrin is the 4th tractate in the 4th order, i.e., Damages or Nezikin). This deals
with who is disqualified from being a  witness. Listed there as being disqualified are (per my interpretation) gamblers, loan officers, professional entertainers and people who violate the rules of the sabbatical year.

The talmud adds to this. Other authorities weigh in. Since Lev is Ashkenaz we defer to the Rama (George did the research). The Rama is sort of lenient on this. He finds that one who is on the right path, even if he was previously an apostate, qualifies as a witness. This assumes otherwise good character and reliability (second image). This would qualify Road Runner who is a reform jew but, other than speeding down the highway does observe sabbath.

The issue comes up because three witnesses are needed at a wedding and Lev expects to marry soon.

Grad is looking on. He is only interested because he has heard that there is some nice whiskey served at the Tisch which precedes the wedding. This is essentially the groom's reception and during the Tisch the marriage contract (Ketubah) is completed and reviewed. Also, behind Lev are the professor and Gretel. The former is interested in the 'construct' and the latter wanted to do one of the shiva brochot but since there is no minyan, there won't be shiva brochot.

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