Monday, February 5, 2018

Pengy and the Professor's offspring discuss

Pengy and the Professor's offspring (we will call him/her Junior Postmodern or JP) had a little talk.

Pengy said, "We look for a sale that is gevinen, gevinen. Parnose for me and a metsiye for the faynshmeker."

JP said, "Your precultural capitalist theory is a mythic construct based on discourse missing the acknowledgement of elitist context as the common structure of the paradigm.  Even in a neodialectic subnarrative, the class structure of the observing theoretically conscious entity is obviously exploitative.  Furthermore, the latent sexism and postconceptual colonialist intrinsic renders the semanticist faux reality as dehumanizing. Only a deconstructive dialectic could lead to a functioning form of neotheory that would satisfy a descriptive aesthetic of those diamonds."

Pengy said, "What?"

JP said, "What?" 

I got some hyacinths in the image for color enrichment.

Also, I think JP is interviewing for a higher position in one of the critical studies field in the Gender and Ethnic Studies Department.  

I used the postmodern jargon generator for this. Also, it gives me an excuse to place this long ago Calvin and Hobbs cartoon (click on it to enlarge) in the post.