Friday, June 19, 2020

Setback for Gate's Favorite University

Apparently, the taunting cheer used at the University of Florida called 'Gator Bait' is being ended per orders of the University President.

Somehow, this cheer which follows some short music and consists only of the words 'Gator Bait' and hand motion as in the image, has been found by the University President to be racist.

He said,

While I know of no evidence of racism associated with our ‘Gator Bait’ cheer at UF sporting events, there is horrific historic racist imagery associated with the phrase,” 

... in an email to the student body,

I have no idea what horrific imagery he is talking about. There have been some movies starring a super large gator that eats people but those movies are supposed to be campy comedy. In those movies the people eaten are a pretty diverse bunch. There was also a fairly obscure movie called "Gator Bait" done in 1973 and an equally obscure GatorBait II done in 1988.

Initially Gate took this report with a grain of salt but it was also reported by the Miami newspaper, here. That report has comments from a person (who is black) who says he inspired the cheer.


Image and article here.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Ski Bear Gets to Practise his Tutorial

Ski Bear has not had ski instruction work since early March this year because ski slopes have been closed to skiers.

He has been driving for Uber but plans to go to the southern hemisphere soon as the ski slopes in New Zealand are soon to open.

So today we helped him out by getting pizza and fries as these are the items Ski Bear uses in his skiing tutorials (to go faster, put your skis parallel like fries; to slow up put your skis at a front intersection like pizza). 

So, not only does ski instruction require large mental resources, it also helps to practice your lesson giving.

Meanwhile, Lev is looking on wondering what Ski Bear is doing and thinking about how it would require machos if Ski Bear were jewish.