Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Is UGA too Vigilant

UGA sometimes refers to his 'mission statement' as 'constant vigilance'.

This expression is also a favorite of Mad Eye Moody, a character from the Harry Potter series.

Anyway, one of UGA's trainees identified the contents of Entertainer Snoop Dogg's possessions as containing drugs. This was in South Texas (Sierra Blanco).

Snoop's total stash consisted of enough marijuana cigarettes to fill a prescription bottle (probably no more than 2 ounces). Seems to be a bit petty considering that the entertainer calls himself 'Dogg'.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wily Advises Reindeer

Wily Advised Musical Reindeer about the Cartoon Network version of the song that Musical Reindeer plays.

This song is, "Grandma Got Run Over by A Reindeer".

The song makes the Grandfather and grandson out to be bad for wishing Grandma would be run over. However, in the Cartoon Network version, the story line turns this around and the Grandfather and grandson actually rescue the Grandma after she is hit and taken to the North Pole (this due to a complicated plot involving selling a toy store).