Thursday, September 24, 2020

The Professor Cogitates


The Professor came out to look at the construction site of our sukkah.

He had this to say,

"It is a differential experience to see a  construction site honor a conceptual construct, particularly one that aims at a pre dialectic neo narrative in a self sufficient paradigm of meta cultural realism.  Although with a subtext of patriarchal interpolation spaced within a mythic normative liberationalist materialism, it does not fail to give a degree of pretense to rationalism."

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Wile Joins Us for Socially Distanced Coffee


Ann works for a contractor that, although continuing to pay her, has run out of work to give her. Explanation below.

So we went out for coffee today. We took Wile E Coyote but made sure he was masked for protection from infection. You can tell from Wile's eyes that he likes the smell of coffee. 

Ann had taken off her mask to drink the iced coffee.

Ann's company is responsible for auditing medical coding at a major Federal facility.


However, the primary coding is slow because a number of coders quit. Basically a series of management mistakes.