Thursday, October 6, 2011

NYTimes Pumps Out News on Pumpkins

The race to grow a 2000 pound pumpkin is discussed in the NYTimes today.

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In 2010, the 1800 pound barrier was broken and this has energized the many competitive pumpkin growers to try to pass the one ton mark.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Mrs Coke is ready to 'shop'

With Mr. Coke at the office and panda coke in boarding school in China and junior Miss Coke at prep school, Mrs Coke has some time to herself.

In this image she has a little beverage and has her earrings on.

She says she is going shopping but she doesn't seem to buy much. She is, however, in a good mood and sort of glowing when she comes home though so Mr. Coke doesn't seem to mind.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Panda At Boarding School

At his boarding school in China, Panda has been studying the different types of bamboo.

Some get tall quick and you have to chew the tops while they are still green, others stay close to the ground.

Yum. Bamboo.