Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Re Education Camp run by UGA

Dad has been victimized by fraud as of late, most recently by a gift card based scam.

UGA has been conducting a mandatory re-education camp.

As you can see by the image, UGA decided to start with the basics (definition of fraud - click on image ).

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Wedding During Superbowl halftime

 Hard Rock Bear offered to have the wedding in his stadium (formerly Joe Robbie Stadium) which was also being used for the Superbowl. It made sense since the guards, lights, etc. had already been paid.  Also, it would be unique (though Hard Rock Bear might take that description up a notch or two).

Image one shows Hard Rock Bear in the left background and Hadassah, Lucy and Ms Coke on the right (they came from the Bride's reception).

Image two shows Lev with Road Runner next to him and Pengy next to him. They were the witnesses. Ski Bear is in the background as he came in case there was a need for large mental resources.
The sheva brachos and honeymoon will be in the Ukraine as Hadassah's family (The Parnas clan) wanted to host them for that.  They might even visit Rav Nachman's Gravesite in Uman.  Road Runner and Pengy will not be going to the Ukraine, nor will Lucy, Ms Coke or any other stuffed animal. In fact Lucy will hand around Miami for awhile 'giving' referrals and Uga, who didn't show in the images but was in the background, will do some Security Consulting in Miami.

Image 3 shows Hadassah post wedding as she now wears a head-covering frequently.