Friday, August 14, 2020

Coke Bear Mostly Approves

Coke Bear was investigating our inventory of 2 litre bottles.

He approved of the fact that we had an 11 bottle inventory.

He was disappointed that one of the bottles was a grocery store house brand but not upset with us because, as he puts it, 

"Coke doesn't consider house brands a threat, otherwise we would have a stronger defense against them."


Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Soccer Bear Has Influence

A Soccer Dream 

This was also a post in the regular chronology blog.

I don't generally think much about soccer and when I do think about it, it is about how boring I find it.

Notwithstanding, I had a dream in which I was building a soccer practice field.  I had guideposts like in the image but I had mounted them on Roomba-like devices. They would look like the second image (which has a big vacuumed material  retention box) except sleeker.

I also had the soccer field tilting to make it harder for the forwards to control the advance.  

One of the coaches was talking to me about my design and how to get the players, who would be trained, on this practice field.

Then I woke up.
