Sunday, July 19, 2009

Coke Pauses for A Family Event

Although Coke Bear actually prefers his job with the Coca Cola Company to spending time with his family, he nevertheless likes to occasionally appear with them. It's good for his image.

Here he is with Ms. Coke Bear and their two babies.

What Coke Bear may not realize is that there is no genetically plausible way his son (the one between the two adults) is actually his.

So apparently Ms. Coke Bear has perhaps been enjoying some 'me' time also.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hissy Looks For a Case

After the discussion between Alligator and Hissy and Alligator's decision to continue, for the time being, working in the Office of Legal Council, Hissy was a little unhappy.

So he decided to do some research.

Here his is looking for assssbesssstosss in the cat's water dish.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Gate Confers With Hissy

Alligator was so bummed out by the experience with Joe Biden's office that he is exploring other career options.

Here he is with Hissy, who is a lawyer representing people suing asbestos companies (or as Hissy says it, assssbessssstosssss).

However, Gate ultimately decided to stick it out a bit longer at the Office of Legal Counsel.