Sunday, December 7, 2014

Coke Exec Presentation

Cross Posted on Weiss Chronicles (same date)

I was doing Mashgiach work at a conference downtown on Dec 5. 

It was an annual meeting of the Israel-US Chambers of Commerce.

The first plenary session (all the sessions were plenary) had executives from GE, Noble Energy and Coca Cola.

The Coke Exec mentioned Coke's long history in Israel (since 1966 or so) and the number of employees and the number of products, etc. He also made a statement that went something like this, "Our people in Israel use the marketing platform developed in the US to leverage its product innovation and our people in the US use the Israeli product innovation as a platform expedite marketing improvements in the US". The first image is a cool exec type Coke Bear and the second image, which I took back in 5772 has a Coke machine at the entrance to the Caro synagogue in Safed where someone had put the benediction "...whose word brings all things to be", aka the Shehakal, under the beverage selection buttons.

Vampy Has a Problem w Narcotics

I have, since my tooth extraction (see Weiss Chronicles blog for Nov 28, 2014), been taking some narcotics for pain.

When I've been sleeping, just subsequent to the narcotic treatment, Vampy has been getting a 'snack' from me.

This has caused him to have some affinity for the narcotics themselves.

Strangely, he may have to go to a treatment house to go back on blood.