Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Gator exploited for Nefarious Activity

A man in East Hemet California (about 90 miles east of downtown Los Angeles) was using a Florida alligator to guard his marijuana supply. The man was dispensing the marijuana in an unlicensed medical treatment.

The gator weighed only 55 pounds but, heh, he was a gator and who is going to risk that (image is from the news article).

After the arrest (of the man), the gator was relocated to an undisclosed location in San Bernadino County. Personal possession of alligators in California is illegal but authorities acknowledge that a number of homes have them because of, well, the panache.

G sent me this article.

Are American Bears Different?

A blogger named Erica Grieder has done an analysis of English vs American 'literary' bears.

Her conclusion was,

"Picture American bears are, for the most part, more assertive and autonomous than English bears."

Greider knows more about English bears than I do and she knows somethings about American bears (e.g., Yogi Bear).

However, she is apparently not familiar with several other bears, notably, our Graduation Bear, Coke Bear and Hard Rock Bear (in the image, Hard Rock Bear is showing off his certificate which identifies him as special Atlanta Hard Rock Bear number 910).

That's too bad because if she had, her "American Bears are more assertive" thesis would be stronger. As for the autonomous aspect, that wouldn't play out so well. Coke bear and Hard Rock bear depend on their corporation for identity.

As for Graduation Bear, well lets just say he has had some issues in the past.

Here is Erica Greider's analysis and also an image she used (his name is Corduroy Bear apparently).

Here is the Volokh Conspiracy post that discusses Erica's analysis and contains a number of unbearable puns.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Coke Buys the Rest of Honest Tea

Today the Coca Cola corporation purchased those shares of Honest Tea that they didn't already own.

Before the purchase, Coke Bear consulted briefly with Graduation.

Grad liked the name Honest Tea since the product says they have twice the taste but half the calories of "... those super sweet drinks with fewer than 50 calories per serving."

but they don't say what "those" are and the 50 calories is only if you drink a bit less than half a 16 ounce bottle.

Article on Coke purchase here.
Honest tea Product info faqs here.

Mr. Pumpkin goes to Atlanta

G took Mr. Pumpkin to Atlanta (Feb 28-Mar 2).

Mr. Pumpkin is a legacy of 396 Wimbledon. He came to our family sometime between 1998 and about 2008 during a 'cleaning' but had been in the Lindsey house for several decades before that.

KBL didn't recognize him when G showed her.

This annoyed Mr. Pumpkin, who complained to KBL's Reindeer about it and also the fact that he (Mr. Pumpkin) is the only stuffed animal who isn't referenced in the first blessing of the Grace after meals (this is because the blessing refers to 'all creatures that God created' and Mr. Pumpkin is something of a hybrid between a creature and a fantasy).