Monday, May 16, 2011

Soccer Bear Arrives

Soccer Bear Arrived here on May 10. He had been living with Ann's mom.

He is from Dublin, Ireland - actually he is from just outside of Dublin but he gets tired of saying he is from just outside of Dublin so he says he is from Dublin.

He is very devoted to soccer. In the second picture, he was trying to find some soccer news on the front page of the sports section of the Washington Post.

He wasn't successful.

This kind of ticked him off and he started making comments about how American sports were inferior to soccer.

Soccer Bear Has Some Conversations

Soccer Bear's anti American comments got some attention from UGA (who works for the Homeland Security Administration). UGA advocates constantly vigilance and he himself is pretty aggressive in asking one overarching question.

After some of this, Soccer Bear changed his attitude. He now acknowledges that American sports have a lot of value.

However that whole episode Soccer Bear was feeling a bit threatened.

Pumpkin farmer decided to discuss green issues with Soccer Bear (Pumpkin is also greenish except where he is other colors).

After this Soccer Bear felt better and attended our sabbath meal but here he almost got into trouble asking why God didn't specifically give the Jewish people a soccer field.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Osama b Laden drank Coke

According to a report today, two couriers who worked for OBL, purchased provisions on a regular basis.

Apparently, OBL liked name brands. One of these was Coke. Another was P...i.

Other brands that OBL liked include Nestle Milk.

source of this info is here.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

UGA Has Another Newspaper Article to Like

There have been several reports that the late April 2011 operation to kill Bin Laden included one dog.

As in the image, most people assume it was a German Shepard but, of course as the operation has many secret components, it could have been a bulldog with a bone its mouth saying "WASSSZ UP".

One news article here.

Another here.

Another here.

Per the articles, the DOD employs about 2700 dogs, up from about 1700 before 9-11.

In the operation, per the articles, a SEAL rappelled down from a helicopter with a dog strapped to his chest.