Saturday, April 25, 2020

A Setback in the Makkos Universe

According to a report from Reuters, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is going to end the practice of flogging.

Lev is pondering this as it pertains to a possible world wide trend.

There is no set  'end of flogging' date reported in the article.

Also, it seems there is no movement to end the practice of amputation and execution, including by public beheading, in the Kingdom.   This does seem to Lev that flogging is being unfairly singled out as 'inhumane' (whatever that means).

Reuters report is here.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Not in our house

In our house Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote get along fine.

In some areas, the fight goes on.

I was unable to determine where exactly the image was taken but it looks like the Southwest since there is a barrel cactus on the left (and barrel cactus doesn't grow much north of Phoenix). 

It also looks like an urban area.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Makkos During Chol HaMoad Pesach

Lev has felt that several of our family's actions, e.g. abbreviating the maggid during the sedar, deserve Makkos (lashes).

The problem that Lev has is that Rabbinic Courts are closed for Pesach including the Chol Ha Moad intermediate days.

Lev has been looking for a reason to justify administering makkos on the intermediate days.

He thinks that by declaring that administering makkos are part of his Simcha of the Chag he could justify it. The image shows Lev looking at the back of an annotated volume of the Talmud which contains both Makkot and Shavuos (oaths)