Sunday, December 22, 2019

The results of an overengineered solution

 Our Hanukkah menorahs built up considerable wax over the years making the insertion of candles something of a chore.

The wax also became somewhat unsightly on the
bottom of the aluminum pan in which we to keep the menorahs.

While Ann and I were at the Gym, George decided to melt the wax out of the menorahs. He put the aluminum pan with the menorahs in the oven and put it on 'Self Clean'.

All the wax was gone at the end of the self clean cycle. However, also two of the menorahs melted. One fell apart as it melted (the darker material in image 1), one melted into interesting shapes (which could be modern art but we disposed of them). Three of the menorahs survived more less completely (minor discoloration).  The house smelled of smoke for a while also.

It reminded me of the over-engineered solutions that Wile E Coyote used to try to catch Road Runner (image 2).

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Big Coke ReSupply Day

At one point in the day, our inventory of Coke reached the zero mark.

This is a red flag for Coke bear because he says that this situation results in our not getting a sip of joy. Also there is the more coercive marketing angle (Coke bear would say it's the more information loaded angle) but let's not go there today.

Both Martin and George purchased stock and now we have many dozens of cans of Coke.

A happy Coke bear rests on the inventory.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Lucy Angry Threatens Lawsuit

I was putting men's cologne on the stuffed animals a few days ago. I do this every so often so they will smell nice.

By mistake I put some on Lucy. She was upset and told me it was a form of assault. She threatened a lawsuit but, even though she went through an old time phone book, none of the lawyers she called would take the case.  The ones who didn't answer the phone didn't return her call.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Clever Trick by Vampy

 You would think that being United States Under Secretary of State to the Underworld would be a lot of work and wouldn't leave much time for other things.

However, Vampy likes to stay in practice by making small mischief.

Yesterday I bought some Coconut Cream for Beth to use in some soup. I placed it in the pantry with the product picture facing out so Beth could see it (image one).

But when Beth went looking for it the can had mysteriously been turned around showing the nutrition information (which looks like almost any other canned product).

When questioned about this, Vampy said, "Heh Heh" He also threatened to put Aspertame in somebodies tea instead of Sucralose.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Gate to Get Award in Israel

 Alligator has been staying with us while we were visiting Beth.

Gate used his time to advise the Israel Revenue Department. He studied the Israeli situation by, among other things, reading the newspaper.

As a result, when Beth leases her apartment on AirB&B, she will have to pay a variety of taxes upon the receipt of revenue.

Then upon next year's income taxes she will have to pay even more.

Beth's initial estimate is that she will gross about 5,000 NIS and net only about 1500.

For his work, Gate is up to receive the President's award for the State of Israel.

However, they will keep this quiet because it would be bad publicity for Israel.

Will Gate be able to keep relatively silent?