Friday, August 24, 2007

My People will Meet with Your People

Coke Bear Consults for Graduation Bear

Coke bear was just coming back from advising at a construction site when Graduation Bear asked for some consultation work.

Graduation Bear's problem is, of course, the monumental debt he piled up with the college loans and the interest and penalties.

A secondary problem was that a stuffed animal with a communication degree isn't very employable.

However, Coke Bear had contacts in the Hedge Fund industry and within a few weeks, Graduation Bear was offered a job as a "Personal Service Assistant" to the Executive Office of the Hedge Fund. The work would be tiring and somewhat unpleasant (let's just say it involved some work that could be considered illegal if it wasn't voluntary).

Coke Bear didn't have a lot of options at the time so he signed up to work for the Hedge Fund.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

After Supper Entertainment for Alligator

Frequently after supper or lunch on the Sabbath, George and his father play Cribbage or Klabberjast. This latter game is also called Clabber or Klabberjass. The hot links go to articles on these games.

These are card games.

Alligator likes to watch and give advice. During the cribbage game he always advises the player with the crib regarding what to contribute to the crib, "Don't throw away what you don't want; throw away what you don't need."

Alligator is also reminding people to count knobs even though it is only one point. In klabberjast, Alligator constantly advises people to get a lot of meld and also to take the last trick (a.k.a. stuch).

The picture of Alligator was not taken on the Sabbath.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Coke Bear Agrees to Help

Coke Bear was at his computer terminal one day and received a variety of messages from other stuffed animals.

It seemed a lot of these animals were facing difficult situations (for example Graduation Bear's problem with college debt as noted in the post below). So he decided to become a consultant to the stuffed animal world in addition to his work for the Coca Cola Corporation.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

The Problem with Graduation Bear

Graduation Bear Created a Problem for Himself

Graduation Bear got his degree in Communications back in 2002. He got the degree from an exclusive northeastern private University. Because tuition was high, he borrowed the money for tuition and living expenses.

He spent the next six years going to parties and interest on the borrowed money piled up. He also got fined for delinquency because, the debt-holder said, he did not make a reasonable attempt to pay the loan back. Graduation Bear thought he would get out of this by simply declaring bankruptcy. Graduation Bear went to Alligator to discuss it. Unfortunately for Graduation Bear, according to Alligator, tuition debt is in a similar class with debt owed for child support or criminal restitution and is not terminated by bankruptcy.


Eventually he had to take a job that he didn't like.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Gate Joins Us After Dinner

Gate Loves Doing Grace After Meals with us.

One of the things Gate likes to do is to join us for Grace After Meals. We typically do this as a family on Sabbath.

There are several things Gate likes about this.

1. There is the psalm we do at the beginning which Gate thinks is a "Song of Allegation". Most people translate the phrase "Shieir Hamalos" as Song of Elevation but Alligator is sure they are wrong.

2. He also likes the first benediction because it has a sentence which praises God for giving sustenance to all his creatures (Gate believes the words, "especially Alligators" have been incorrectly edited out.

3. He like the invocation of God's mercy because it mentions the fact that we await "Elijah the Prophet" which Gate says is a misprint since it should say "Alligator the Prophet". The word "Eliahu HaNovi" should thus be "Alligator HaNovi" according to Alligator.

4. He likes the last benediction which includes the line from a psalm saying that God gives every creature what they need.

This isn't the only thing in Judaism that Gate likes. He also like the Scroll of Ester which Gate has amended to read,

"In the days of Alligator,
The Alligator.
He ruled from Florida to Louisiana
Over 127 counties and parishes"

The picture of alligator with the prayer book was not taken on the Sabbath

Alligator Arrives

Gate Arrives

Our Alligator (aka Gate) arrived from Mississippi. He began looking over George's law school related material.

He loves wild allegations (he would spell it 'alligation' and thus his favorite TV show is Nancy Grace.

Of course he also likes nature shows about alligators and also the SciFi channel's movie "SuperGator". The poster for the movie is the first image.