Monday, November 18, 2013

Lobby's Expansive Business

I asked Lobby yesterday if he does lobbying in the underworld as well as in the Legislative and Executive branches of the USA.

His answer was, "Potato, Potaato".

He then elaborated saying, "Actually, the lobbying in the underworld is a more pleasant experience because they are more up front with their agenda."

Friday, November 15, 2013

Pumpkins On the Rise

Mr. Pumpkin was in a good mood today.

In the financial news was an article that sales of pumpkin flavored food was up 200%+ since 2008.

This doesn't require much actual pumpkin since, apparently, a little pumpkin spice goes a long way. However, the pumpkin harvest was good the past few years and also prices have held up. 

Article on pumpkin flavored food is here.

Report on pumpkin harvest is here.