Sunday, December 22, 2019

The results of an overengineered solution

 Our Hanukkah menorahs built up considerable wax over the years making the insertion of candles something of a chore.

The wax also became somewhat unsightly on the
bottom of the aluminum pan in which we to keep the menorahs.

While Ann and I were at the Gym, George decided to melt the wax out of the menorahs. He put the aluminum pan with the menorahs in the oven and put it on 'Self Clean'.

All the wax was gone at the end of the self clean cycle. However, also two of the menorahs melted. One fell apart as it melted (the darker material in image 1), one melted into interesting shapes (which could be modern art but we disposed of them). Three of the menorahs survived more less completely (minor discoloration).  The house smelled of smoke for a while also.

It reminded me of the over-engineered solutions that Wile E Coyote used to try to catch Road Runner (image 2).