A truck carrying 30,000 pounds of lobsters overturned on I-95 in Maine a few days ago (first image).
According to the reports, the lobsters were all in crates and, although they were jostled about, none of the lobsters were hurt (although how that is known is difficult for me to imagine).
The news article is here.
As lobby (lower image) would say,
"Great. Now they can relax on their way to being eaten."
Lobby has been criticized for this by lobsters but he says that he is just making a livelihood for himself and he doesn't understand their problem with him.
It was pi day, that is 3-14 and super pi day because it was 3-14-15.
And to add to the excitement, one of the kosher pizza places opened after the sabbath on Saturday night.
Everybody celebrated at 9:26 pm when it could be (sort of) 3.1415926 (or possibly 3.1415927 if you wait another minute and round to the nearest whole number seven to the right of the decimal point).
Mikey went with George and Justin Walls (aka Rabbi Gedaliah Walls) to the pizza place and tried to eat a 28" pizza in one hour. Ben Yehuda made the pizza with triple thick crust and the two eaters fell just short...
Nevertheless, Michelangelo proclaimed it awesome. Perhaps it made the day special for Mikey because the previous time George had brought him to a pizza place, George left Mikey in the car when getting pizza.